Lisa Kilgour, Nutritionist

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Your Body is Your Best Ally, Not Your Enemy ❤️

After many months of self-isolation, many of us (myself included) are feeling a tad more soft and squishy than a year ago.

The trouble is, what we’ve been “trained” to do whenever the scale goes up by the dieting culture only makes matters worse, not better. (And, for the record, we’ve also been trained by the dieting culture to fear a certain number on the scale.)

Google “weight loss” and you’ll quickly fall down a rabbit hole of dieting “solutions” that all try to sell themselves as the easiest and fastest solution.

As a nutritionist, my professional opinion is that they’re all full of s**t. I’ve worked with thousands of people and I’ve never seen an example of a diet working for the long-term, and there’s lots of research to back me up on this. 

For example, when researchers followed up on participants from thirty-one different weight loss studies, they found that most participants would have been better off if they hadn’t dieted at all. 

I’m not telling you this to cause you any frustration, I hope to convince you not to try them in the first place. It’s not worth the work and your body wants nothing to do with it. 


Your body wants you to be healthy, energetic, and feel great. And, it already knows what to do…but you’ve got to tune in and listen. And that, my friend, can be the hardest part.

But – this is method isn’t fast. Your body does NOT like fast weight loss. 

Anytime you greatly diminish your energy input (eat less), your body will go into preservation mode. Your body will reduce the amount of energy you expend by slooowing down your metabolism. Research has found that this slow down isn’t temporary, it can last for months or years after you’ve started eating normally again. 

Plus, to make matters worse, your body will encourage you to eat more by increasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. This means you’re much hungrier than you were before starting that diet, making it almost impossible to stay on the diet. This makes “falling off the wagon” inevitable.

Let me make this clear - YOU didn’t do anything wrong! We all tend to blame ourselves when we fall back into our normal ways of eating.


The diet you tried was doomed to fail right from the start. Your whole body was screaming “STOP!! Please please please start eating normally again!”. And the longer you manage to stay on that diet, the louder your body will get.

EVERY SINGLE DIET will fail eventually. That’s why the only answer is undieting.


Undieting is a slow, healthy process of tuning into your body’s wisdom to find the balance of healthy whole food that fuels your body perfectly.

There’s no counting, measuring, denying, or deprivation. None.

(It also involves a few little tricks, because your brain is powerful and can get in the way sometimes.)

I love helping people tune back into their body and learn it's unique and wonderful language. By listening to your symptoms, cravings, likes, and dislikes, we quickly find the eating pattern that your body loves ❤️.

After a lovely winter break I've opened my practice up again for new clients.

We meet by Zoom or phone (COVID-friendly style, in the comfort of your own home) and I can help you find the answers to the questions your body has been asking. A little guidance goes a very long way ❤️.

For more info, including pricing and my online booking calendar, click here❤️.

<3 Lisa Kilgour
(a.k.a. Your Personal Nutritionist)